Job Openings

Current job openings:

Part-time Called Pastor

Buckingham Presbyterian Church is seeking a Part Time permanent called Pastor that is motivated to help grow our church.  The pastor will be head of staff.  If the church grows enough to support a full-time Pastor then the position may become full time.

Church Mission/Vision Statement: Sharing GOD’S Love Through Fellowship, Ministry, and Worship.

Tasks, expectations, duties, supervision, assignments, and responsibilities for the position:

  • Provide worship leadership, including preaching, administering the sacraments and conducting special services for the congregation and community
  • Provide administration and organization leadership for the church
  • Facilitate communication through the weekly bulletin, newsletter, congregational mailings, annual reports and town hall meetings
  • Provide pastoral care, including counseling, crises intervention, funeral and memorial services, wedding ceremonies, membership support and hospital visitation
  • Provide Session leadership, including moderating and planning
  • Act as the primary resource for staff and for church committees
  • Participate in community and ecumenical organizations
  • Teach as deemed appropriate in consultation with the Christian Education Committee
  • Lead New Member / Session Member training Classes
  • Fill the role of Resident Theologian
  • Lead new member recruiting and help grow the congregation
  • Participate in annual budget process and act as an advisor on the Finance Committee
  • Attend congregational events such as dinners, meetings and fundraisers
  • Be an ordained minister of the PCUSA in good standing
  • Understand and teach Reformed theology
  • Let the committee chairs lead their areas of ministry and provide mentorship
  • Embrace strong and clear ethical standards
  • Accountable to the Presbytery and the congregation through the Personnel Committee and Session.

If you are interested in or know of an ordained Presbyterian Pastor who is seeking a part-time Called Pastor position in Southwest Florida, please contact Rodney Burt at